JANUARY 11, 1918:
The Proclamation is given from Rome by Pope Benedict XV for a new diocese to be created in Lafayette.
MARCH 23, 1918:
The Decree of Erection of the Diocese of Lafayette is signed by Jules B. Jeanmard, Administrator of the Archdiocese
of New Orleans.
APRIL 13, 1918:
The Decree is given by Apostolic Delegate to sub-delegate, Jules B. Jeanmard, Administrator of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, to carry out the announcement of the Decree of Erection of the
Diocese of Lafayette.
JULY 4, 1918
The Order appointing Jules B. Jeanmard Bishop of Lafayette was signed.
OCTOBER 3, 1918:
Arrival of Papal Bull containing the official appointment of Jules B. Jeanmard as first Bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette.
DECEMBER 12, 1918:
Mass of Installation of Reverend Jules B. Jeanmard as first Bishop of Diocese of Lafayette..
(Please note that in 2018, many of the above dates will have events occurring on them to link the beginning of our Diocese with this current time)