A Priest Burse #1
A.C. Maraist Burse
Ambrose & Margaret Olinger Burse
Ben and Louisa Larriviere Burse
Bishop Duburg Assembly Burse
Bishop Jeanmard Assumption Burse
Bishop Jeanmard Burse
Bishop Jeanmard Memorial Burse
Bishop Jeanmard-Sacred Heart Burse
Bishop Michael Jarrell Burse
Bishop Schexnayder Burse No. 3
Bishop Schexnayder Memorial Burse #1
Bishop Schexnayder Memorial Burse #2
Bishop's Helper Burse #1
Bishop's Helper Burse #2
Blessed John Paul II Burse
Caliste A. Duplantis, Jr Burse
Carol Abadie Speyrer Memorial Burse
Cda Burse #1
Cda Burse #2
Chap Col. Kenneth A. Bienvenu Burse Usaf #2
Chap. Col.Kenneth A. Bienvenue Burse Usaf # 1
Church Point Burse
Claire and Allen Anding
Claudia and Florence Mauboules Burse
Coignard/Gremillion Burse
Cramer Family Burse
Darryl Boudreaux Memorial Burse
Denise and Erin Canan Burse
Edith Stein Burse
Elmire and Bernard Ray Jr. Memorial Burse
Estate of Rev. Msgr. Richard Mouton Burse
Eula Mae Bernard Burse
Fr. Austin Leger Memorial Burse
Fr. Ed Degeyter Burse
Fr. Ed Degeyter Burse No. 2
Fr. Jean Paradis Burse #1
Fr. Lloyd F. Benoit Jr. Estate Legacy Burse
Fr. Louis Espitallier Memorial Seminarian Burse
Fr. Raphael Gauthier Burse #1
Fr. William "Billy" Ruskoski Memorial Burse
Foreman Family Seminarian Burse
Gabriel Lucas Memorial Fund (Morse) Burse
Gaspard Petitjean Family Burse
Genevieve Lastrapes Burse
Gladys C. Viator Memorial Burse
Heck and Langlois Guillot Burse
Henry Lastraps Burse
Immaculate Conception Burse #1
In Memorial of Mr. and Mrs. Scranton Mouton Burse
In Memory of Rev John C Cain
J.M. Lapeyre Family Burse
James J. Frey, Sr Burse
Jeff Bienvenu Burse
John Joseph Borel Burse
Julie Landry Burse
Knights of Columbus Burse No. 2
Laperouse Family Burse
Lawrence J. Leonards Family Burse
Lay Honorees Burse #2
Lay Honorees Burse #3
Lay Honorees Burse #4
Lay Honorees Burse #5
Lay Honorees Burse#1
Leonas and Alice Freyou Fam Memorial Burse
Lucian and Josephine Cremaldi Memorial
Luke and Rita Bernard Memorial Burse #2
Luke/Rita Bernard Burse
M/M Fournet Burse #1
M/M Milton Esteves Burse
M/M Milton Esteves Burse #2
M/M Milton Esteves Burse #3
M/M P.J. Reiners Burse
Marcel/Alfred Gaudet Burse #1
Marcel/Alfred Gaudet Burse #2
Marcel/Alfred Gaudet Burse #3
Marcel/Alfred Gaudet Burse #4
Marie Louise Franques Lacaze Memorial Burse
Marley Frances LaGarde Memorial Burse
Mildred Arceneaux Burse
Mildred Louise Roy McElligott Burse #1
Mildred Louise Roy McElligott Burse #2
Msgr. Albert Bacque Burse #1
Msgr. Albert Boumans Burse
Msgr. Alexander O. Sigur Memorial Burse
Msgr. Amable S. Doutre Burse
Msgr. Augustin Wassler Memorial Burse
Msgr. Edward D. Fruge
Msgr. Emery Labbe Burse
Msgr. George Bodin Burse
Msgr. George Mollo Burse
Msgr. Guy Lemoine Burse
Msgr. Hubert A. Lerchen Burse
Msgr. John A. Vigliero Burse
Msgr. John Disch Burse
Msgr. Joseph Peeters Burse
Msgr. L.C. Habetz Burse
Msgr. Lawrence Fournet Burse
Msgr. Louis H. Boudreaux Burse
Msgr. Louis Massebiau Burse
Msgr. Paul Fuselier Burse #1
Msgr. Paul Fuselier Burse #2
Msgr. Paul Fuselier Burse #3
Msgr. Paul Fuselier Burse #4
Msgr. Paul Fuselier Burse #5
Msgr. Paul Fuselier Burse #6
Msgr. Raymond J. Gobiell Burse
Msgr. William J. Teurlings Burse
Nativity of Our Lady Burse
O'neil Hebert Burse
Ora Fontenot Reynolds Burse
P.J. Reiners Burse #2
Pro-Life Priest Burse
Raymond and Louise Leonards Family Burse
Rev. Auguste M. Viel Burse
Rev. J. Otto Jud Burse #1
Rev. J. Otto Jud Burse #2
Rev. Jules Speyrer Burse
Rev. Julian Van Exem Burse #1
Rev. Louis P. Castel Burse
Rev. Moise Hebert Burse
Rev. O.J. Chauvin Burse
Rev. Raymond Robitaille Burse
Rev. Raymond Robitaille Burse #2
Rev. Raymond Robitaille Burse #3 (Anonymous)
Rev. Raymond Robitaille Burse #4
Rev. Raymond Robitaille Burse #5
Rev. Raymond Robitaille Burse #6
Rev. Raymond Robitaille Burse #6 (Anonymous)
Rev. Verbis Lafleur Burse #1
Rev. Verbis Lafleur Burse #2
Rev. Verbis Lafleur Burse #3
Robert A. Frey Memorial Burse
Sacred Heart Parish, Ni Burse
Serra Club Burse
Sonnier Burse
St. Andre Fournet Burse
St. Edmond Church Parish Burse
St. John Marie Vianney Burse
St. Jude Burse
St. Stephen Burse
St. Theresa Burse #1
St. Theresa of Lisieux Burse
Suzanne Therese Bercier Seminarian Burse
Therese Esteves Burse #4
Tony and Evelyn Fontana Memorial Burse
William and Amelia Prade Memorial Burse