About the Diocese
Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel
Past Bishops
Policies Manual
2018 Extraordinary Administration Policy 301.9
Clergy: Priests and Deacons
Clergy: Priests and Deacons
Pray for Our Departed Clergy
Prayer Calendar for Priests
History of the Diocese
History of the Diocese
Religious Brothers and Sisters
Patron Saints of the Diocese
Make A Gift
Online Parish Offertory Giving
Give 52: Donate to Your Church Parish
Bishop's Services Appeal (BSA)
Seminarian Burses
Legacy Giving
Wills and Bequests
Catholic Charities of Acadiana Disaster Relief Fund
Holy Family School Campaign
Ukrainian Relief
Acadiana Catholic
Affordable Housing Program
Black Catholic Ministries
Building & Renovation
Catechetical Corner
DRE Portal
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Preparation for Infant Baptism
Catholic Charities of Acadiana
Catholic Schools
Catholic Social Services
Diocesan News Releases
Bulletin Resources
Catholic Schools
Diocesan Events
Parish Events
Testimonial of Suitability for Deacons
Financial Affairs
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Personal de la Oficina / Office Staff
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Proyecto Samuel
¿En qué le podemos ayudar?
Programas St. Jules
Programas Santa Teresita
Programas Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
Matrimonio y Vida Familiar
Talleres de Teología del Cuerpo
Virgen de Guadalupe
Programas St. Edmond
Human Resources
2025 Regional Finance an HR Conference SPONSOR INFORMATION/REGISTRATION
Information Technology
Justice and Peace
Marriage and Family Life
Ongoing Formation of Priests
Pontifical Mission Societies
Pro-Life Apostolate
Festival de la Vie Poster Contest
Pregnancy Centers
The Unborn
Pro-Life Oratory
Post-Abortion Healing
Pro-Life Coordinators
Rosary Makers
Pro-Life Festival
Bishop's Rose Dinner
Bishop's Pro-Life Rose Dinner Keynote Speaker
Elderly and Dying
Individuals with Disabilities
Risk Management
Safe Environment
Stewardship and Development
Bishop's Services Appeal
BSA Toolkit
Disaster Relief and Recovery
Legacy Giving
Lumen Christi Legacy Society
#iGiveCatholic on #GivingTuesday
Seminarian Burses
Burse Honor Roll
Completed Burses
Incomplete Burses
Donate to an Existing Burse
Fundraising Resources & Reports
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General Information
Vietnamese Catholics
Vocations and Seminarians
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Worship & Liturgy
Eucharistic Revival Chapel Locations
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Parish Finder
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North Deanery (St. Landry, Evangeline)
South Deanery (St. Mary, St. Martin, Iberia)
West Deanery (Vermilion, Acadia)
Principal Portal
All Catholic Schools
Acadia Parish Catholic Schools
Evangeline Parish Catholic Schools
Iberia Parish Catholic Schools
Lafayette Parish Catholic Schools
St. Landry Parish Catholic Schools
St. Martin Parish Catholic Schools
St. Mary Parish Catholic Schools
Vermilion Parish Catholic Schools
Word on Fire Video Series
Becoming Catholic
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Meditations on the Stations of the Cross
Come Lord Jesus!
LifeTeen Resources
Grotto Resources for Young Adults
Safe Environment Portal
Education / Training
Statistics on Child Abuse
Did You Know...
What To Do...
Disclosure List-Priests and Deacons Credibly Accused of Abuse-Updated July 8 2022
Diocesan Directory
Priests Directory
Central Offices
Organizational Chart-Central Offices (Chancery)
Chancery Personnel
Church Parishes Directory
Deacons Directory
Diocesan Institutions and Housing
Religious Brothers and Sisters
Additional Resources
OutReach Programs
Spiritual Associations
Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Gifts and Charisms
History of Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Life in the Spirit Seminars
Supporting Statements
College Campus Ministry
Retreat Centers
X (Twitter)
About the Diocese
Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel
Past Bishops
Clergy: Priests and Deacons
Clergy: Priests and Deacons
History of the Diocese
History of the Diocese
Religious Brothers and Sisters
Patron Saints of the Diocese
Make A Gift
Online Parish Offertory Giving
Bishop's Services Appeal (BSA)
Seminarian Burses
Legacy Giving
Wills and Bequests
Catholic Charities of Acadiana Disaster Relief Fund
Holy Family School Campaign
Ukrainian Relief
Acadiana Catholic
Affordable Housing Program
Black Catholic Ministries
Building & Renovation
Catholic Charities of Acadiana
Catholic Schools
Catholic Social Services
Financial Affairs
Hispanic Ministry
Human Resources
Information Technology
Justice and Peace
Marriage and Family Life
Ongoing Formation of Priests
Pontifical Mission Societies
Pro-Life Apostolate
Risk Management
Safe Environment
Stewardship and Development
Vietnamese Catholics
Vocations and Seminarians
Youth and Young Adult
Worship & Liturgy
All Parishes
Parish Finder
Central Deanery (Lafayette, upper St. Martin)
North Deanery (St. Landry, Evangeline)
South Deanery (St. Mary, St. Martin, Iberia)
West Deanery (Vermilion, Acadia)
Principal Portal
All Catholic Schools
Acadia Parish Catholic Schools
Evangeline Parish Catholic Schools
Iberia Parish Catholic Schools
Lafayette Parish Catholic Schools
St. Landry Parish Catholic Schools
St. Martin Parish Catholic Schools
St. Mary Parish Catholic Schools
Vermilion Parish Catholic Schools
Word on Fire Video Series
Becoming Catholic
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Meditations on the Stations of the Cross
Come Lord Jesus!
LifeTeen Resources
Grotto Resources for Young Adults
Safe Environment Portal
Education / Training
Statistics on Child Abuse
Did You Know...
What To Do...
Disclosure List-Priests and Deacons Credibly Accused of Abuse-Updated July 8 2022
Diocesan Directory
OutReach Programs
Spiritual Associations
College Campus Ministry
Retreat Centers
Incomplete Burses
Acadiana Catholic
Affordable Housing Program
Black Catholic Ministries
Building & Renovation
Catholic Charities of Acadiana
Catholic Schools
Catholic Social Services
Financial Affairs
Hispanic Ministry
Human Resources
Information Technology
Justice and Peace
Marriage and Family Life
Ongoing Formation of Priests
Pontifical Mission Societies
Pro-Life Apostolate
Risk Management
Safe Environment
Stewardship and Development
Bishop's Services Appeal
Disaster Relief and Recovery
Legacy Giving
Lumen Christi Legacy Society
#iGiveCatholic on #GivingTuesday
Seminarian Burses
Burse Honor Roll
Completed Burses
Incomplete Burses
Donate to an Existing Burse
Fundraising Resources & Reports
Stewardship & Development
Vietnamese Catholics
Vocations and Seminarians
Youth and Young Adult
Worship & Liturgy
Donate to a Burse
Donate to a Burse
St. John Vianney Perpetual Burse
A Priest Burse #2
A. Otis & Etta Hebert Memorial Burse
Ancient Order of Hibernians of LA/AOH Burse
Angelo Ancona Seminary Burse
Anna Jane Marks Burse
Anonymous Burse
Ben/Louisa Larriviere Burse #2
Ben and Lenore Voorhies Jr. Memorial Burse
Bishop Duburg Assembly Burse
Bishop Gerard Frey Burse
Bishop Jeanmard Burse #2
Bishop O'Donnell Burse
Breaux Bridge Knights of Columbus Council 2398
Brian & Stephanie Kirk Family Burse
Camile & Veronica Reiners Richard Burse
CDA Burse #3
Chaplain Col. Kenneth A. Bienvenu USAF #3
Charlene Richard Burse
Christopher and Brice Cambre Seminarians Burse
Coignard/Gremillion Burse #2
Cure d'Ars Burse
Deacon Jay Bergeron Memorial Burse
Dr. John G. Bernard Memorial Burse
Elizabeth Thibodeaux Sibley Burse
Esther Derbes Memorial Seminarian Burse
Food for the Journey Seminary Burse
Fr. Austin Leger Memorial Burse #2
Fr. Charles Marin Burse
Fr. Donald Leger Burse
Fr. Ed Degeyter Burse No. 3
Fr. Eugene Senneville Memorial Burse
Fr. Floyd Calais Seminarian Burse
Fr. George Simon Memorial Seminarian Burse
Fr. J. Wilson Matte and Mire Families Burse
Fr. Jam Van Brero Burse
Fr. James Doiron Burse
Fr. Jean Paradis Burse #2
Fr. Joseph Brennan Memorial Burse
Fr. Joseph H. Stemmann Burse
Fr. Julilan Van Exem 32 Burse, #2 Burse
Fr. Kyle White Burse
Fr. Mike Bakowski Memorial Burse
Fr. Moise Hebert Burse #2
Fr. Oscar Drapeau Burse
Fr. P.G.J. Kemps Burse
Fr. Raphael Gauthier Burse #2
Fr. Verbis LaFleur Burse #4
Fr. William "Billy" Ruskoski Memorial Burse
Francis Inona Colton Miley Memorial Burse
Gilbert and Florence Gossen Family Burse
Gracie Michelle Brasseaux Memorial Burse
Harold/Ruby Moreau Family Memorial Burse
Harry Van Tiel Family Burse
Heidi Studler Memorial Burse
Helen F. Gonsoulin Memorial Burse
Herbert & Ramona Crosby Bennerfield Burse
Immaculate Conception Burse #2
Iris Landry Slayton Memorial Burse
James K. Bourque Memorial Burse Fund
Jarnier Estate Burse
Jeanette Dupont Memorial Burse
Jeanette M. Guidry Burse
John E. Lee, Jr. Burse
John Paul the Great Burse
John Rochel Landry Memorial Burse
Justin Fitzgerald Memorial Burse
Knights of Columbus Burse No. 3
Larry G. Smith Memorial Burse
Lay Honorees Burse #6
Lee C. Lavergne Burse
Libby Holcombre Memorial Burse
Louise T. Leonards Landry Burse
Lucille M. Griffin Mem. Burse
M/M Fournet Burse #2
Marcel/Alfred Gaudet Burse #5
Marguerite Montagnet Memorial Burse
Marie Franques/Kenneth LaCaze Burse
Mary Margaret "Dolly" Peterson Dupree Memorial Burse
Mitchell Habetz Burse
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Adams
Mrs. Doris Jane Hebert Memorial Burse
Mrs. Louise White Burse
Mrs. Dorphi Marie Duhon Memorial Burse
Msgr. Albert Bacque Burse #2
Msgr. Alphonse Martel Burse
Msgr. Andrew Frey Memorial Burse
Msgr. Burton Mouton Burse
Msgr. Charles Mallet Burse
Msgr. Daniel Bernard Burse
Msgr. Daniel Habetz Burse
Msgr. Fernand Gouaux Burse
Msgr. Leo Schexnayder Burse
Msgr. Marcel Murie Burse
Msgr. P. Alexandre Borel Burse
Msgr. Paul Fuselier Burse #8
Msgr. Richard von Phul Mouton Burse
Noemie L. Petitjean Burse
Our Lady Queen of All Saints Parish
Paul & Mary Karre Burse
Rev. Raymond Robitaille Burse #8
Rusty Randol Burse
Seminarian Brent Didier Burse
Sgt. Joseph Avie Richard, III Memorial Burse
Sonnier Burse #2
Sr. Claire Metrejean, MC Memorial Burse
St. Peter Parish-New Iberia Burse
St. Bernard Church Seminarian Burse
St. Edmond Parish Burse #2
St. Martha Burse
St. Joseph Burse
St. Jude Burse #2
St. Theresa #2 Burse
Suzanne Bercier Memorial Burse #2
Therese Esteves Burse #5
Wilson & Laura A. Meaux Family Burse