Bishop Douglas Deshotel of the Diocese of Lafayette joined faith leaders from throughout the community at Lafayette City Hall for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7. From 8-9 a.m. prayers were offered for our nation, our state and parish, along with our nation's judicial system, churches, first responders, families and victims, and business leaders. Joining Bishop Deshotel were Lafayette Mayor-President Josh Guillory, Bishop Carlos Harvin, Rev. Ty Cook, Rev. Tim Miller, Rev. Sidney Morales, Rev. Mason Jack, Rev. Jeff Ables, Pastor Brenda Hebert, Rev. Daniel Kelly, Rev. Jacob Aranza, and Pastor Linton Broussard. The hour-long program was livestreamed on the Diocese of Lafayette Facebook page. Following the program, Acadiana Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (AVOAD) livestreamed on its Facebook page until 8:00 p.m., with faith-based leaders speaking every 15 minutes.