Bishop Douglas Deshotel conferred the Ministry of Acolyte on 9 candidates for the permanent diaconate on Saturday, October 12, 2019, at St. Anne Catholic Church in Youngsville. The Ministry of Acolyte marks an important step in formation for men pursuing vocations to the Permanent Diaconate. After receiving this rite, the candidates can formally assist ordained priests and deacons in a liturgical service or procession. An acolyte’s duty is to serve at the altar and to assist as needed in the celebration of Mass. He may also act as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass and distribute the Eucharist to the sick. An acolyte may be entrusted with publicly exposing the Blessed Sacrament for adoration. He may also take care of instructing other faithful appointed to assist the priest or deacon by carrying the missal, cross, candles, and similar functions. Permanent Deacons are married or single men ordained to serve the Church by proclaiming the Gospel, preaching to the people, presiding at baptism, administering the Eucharist, and blessing marriages. Receiving the rite of acolyte:
Alec Alexander
Grant Broussard
Richard Castaneda
Adam Conque
Shawn Gautreaux
Bryan Istre
Todd McKee
David Menard
Kyle Polozola
Their diaconate ordinations will take place on March 28, 2020. Please keep them in your prayers!