Congratulations to seminarian Seth Lemaire of the Diocese of Lafayette as he has been admitted into the Ministry of Acolyte! On February 24, 2019, the Most Reverend Steven J. Lopes, Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, conferred the Ministry of Acolyte during Mass in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, Pontifical North American College, Vatican City State to 43 Seminarians. Bishop Lopes told the newly instituted acolytes that the “acolyte understood in the context of this seminary is a ritual step towards ordination. It is a ritual drawing near to the altar, to the sacrifice, and to the Lord’s cross.” As part of the rite, the bishop placed the paten, which contains the hosts for the celebration of Mass, in the hands of each candidate. He then said, “take this vessel with bread for the celebration of the Eucharist. Make your life worthy of your service at the table of the Lord and of his Church.” The seminarians, currently in their second year of formation for the priesthood, would have two additional years of theological studies before being ordained to the priesthood in their home dioceses. Please join us in congratulating Seth!